Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ash Wednesday - being human and fairtrade

There are, as usual, an abundance of resources to mark Lent this year. The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book is by Ruth Valerio - Saying Yes to Life. This works through the days of Creation to consider matters of environmental and ethical concern. Some of us will be reading it through Lent (although I think Rosemary has already finished it!). 

The book is designed for individuals or use in groups, but at St John's Lent is when home groups stop. Instead we gather together each Thursday for a film shown in the church and some of those who join us are not Sunday worshippers at all. The film titles are usually released only at the last minute, but this year's theme is 'What makes us human'. Perhaps not entirely coincidentally, the write-up for the Lent Book explains that "Foundational to Saying Yes to Life is what it means to be human and, in particular, to be a follower of Jesus"

So that we do all have something to do at home too - last Sunday everyone received Christian Aid's, Count Your Blessings leaflet. Its focus is the climate crisis.  There's some interesting articles on Lenten themes in the current issue of Pathways too.

Meanwhile, the first week in Lent is always the beginning of fairtrade fortnight so the church Traidcraft stall was being 'borrowed' for a fairtrade stall at a local primary school and there were fairtrade toppings for pancakes at the University Chaplaincy's pancake party on Tuesday.

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