Climate Sunday Reflection: Turning over the Tables
(March 7th 2021, on the occasion that our church formally recognised the Climate Emergency)
When Rosemary and I started discussing this service, we wondered about choosing readingsappropriate to the theme of Climate Sunday. But then I checked out those set for this Sunday in the Lectionary and immediately wanted to stick with them - "The Heavens proclaim your glory O Lord, and the firmament shows forth the work of your hands" - the opening lines of Psalm 19; we could have chosen them deliberately for a service about the climate and Christian responsibility for Creation care. It would never actually have crossed my mind to pick the Ten Commandments, yet once they were in front of me, I found my mind whirring with the thought of the Israelites planning their new society, unlike their existence in Egypt, God setting out for them how they would live in the Promised Land - and I found that picture meshing with all the talk of what will happen in our society post-Covid – How many times have you heard the phrase building back better, the idea of taking this wilderness experience of lockdown and loss, and making it a precursor to a better way. The Wellbeing Economy Alliance have even come up with TEN principles for building back better – all of these initiatives are looking for a way that properly appreciates our planet, that shares its resources fairly, that finally gets really serious about tackling the Climate emergency, that gets the hang of living in right relationship with nature and with each other. Could we too be on the brink of a new beginning? I took this screen shot in the course of Oxford diocese’s recent Environment strategy day.
I know many of us attended the Tom Holland lecture a couple of week’s back, and some were challenged by his assertion that Christianity could not inspire environmentalism because its world view is too anthropocentric, too focused on the idea that the planet was made for humans – Dave Bookless’s approach here suggests something very different. A Theocentric world is a world made by and for Christ in which humans are the keystone species, responsible to God for our fellow creatures.
Which brings me to the Gospel reading. It’s a challenging one, and I think the painter Giotto catches that brilliantly in this image –
it’s not how we
expect to see Jesus. And it has always been a challenging story. Some early
manuscripts try to soften the wording by saying Jesus fashioned ‘something like
a whip’, not really a whip. There are scholars who argue the reference to sheep
and cattle is a later insertion – surely Jesus was using the whip to drive out animals,
not people? Wasn’t he? John’s version of this story is fascinatingly different
from those of the other gospels – Mark, Matthew and Luke all tell of Jesus
entering the temple, turning over the tables of the money changers and
those who sold doves and quoting from the Old Testament – Is it not written my
house will be a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it a den of
robbers. There is no whip in these stories. And Mark, Matthew and Luke all
place the event just after the triumphal entry into Jerusalem – it is a key
step on the road towards crucifixion. These gospels record that the chief
priests and the teachers of the law heard what Jesus had done in the Temple and
began looking for a way to kill him – there is a direct connection between his
action in the Temple and his death. But in John’s gospel the cleansing of the
Temple happens so much earlier. We’re only in chapter 2 – he calls the
disciples, he turns water into wine at Cana, and then he clears the Temple –
his second sign, a message at the beginning of his ministry – it is still part
of the story of Jesus’s death, made explicit in his promise to raise the
temple, his body, in three days, but here it has moved right up front in the
Gospel. Why is this story so important to John? And – why does Jesus take this dramatic,
seemingly uncharacteristic step that triggers his death?
I rather suspect that 2000 years on we cannot come up with a
definitive right answer. There are, of course, a variety of interlocking
theories on this involving the abuse of Temple tax, the way the poor or
Gentiles were being excluded and so on. A couple of weeks ago I came across an
approach that was new to me - it so happens that this Lent I’ve been reading a
commentary on John. Entitled An Earth Bible Commentary. It’s subtitle is
Supposing Him to be the Gardener – a phrase which picks up on Mary Magdalene
mistaking Jesus for the gardener after his resurrection. The first chapter of
the commentary begins with examining what Jews at the time of Jesus thought
about another, earlier, Garden – Eden –It turns out that the Temple was
commonly identified with Eden – some suggested the Temple was on the site of
Eden, others saw it as a manmade reconstruction of it in which the burning
incense brought to mind the scents of Eden’s flowers. Expanding on that, for
many writers, the Temple was also a representation of the whole of creation –
its three parts mirroring sea, earth and heaven – there’s lots of detail I
won’t go into. But it adds intriguing layers of meaning to Jesus’s response to
the traders in the Temple.
The commentator invites us to consider that, here I quote “The temple was supposed to symbolize the world as God’s Creation, instead it had become a reflection of its functionaries’ view of the world as a resource to profit from”. This view of the Temple as a resource to profit from, was obstructing God’s people from encountering him, preventing them from living in right relationship with him.
For some people
this is a funny internet meme . . . . For others, it is a call to direct
action when the world is so far from what it is meant to be.
In today’s context, of Climate crisis, there are a million
ways in which we can act positively, to turn our backs on seeing the world as a
resource to profit from; to set our house in order in a way that prioritises
justice. Some of the most effective are also startlingly mundane. There
are all sorts of ways to measure carbon footprints – this particular model
divides transport up and puts it into categories like food shopping or holidays
to get more of a sense of the purpose of use - however you do it, household
energy and food are a big proportion. Several of us at St John’s have been
attending Citizens UK meetings and recently encountered their initiative to
tackle fuel poverty and the climate emergency in the same brilliant scheme. Many people pay far more than they need to for energy bills because they have
stayed with companies who take advantage of loyal customers and hike up prices,
pushing them into fuel poverty. But some of the recently established green
energy companies are committed to not making these unfair price rises and not
having exit fees – their electricity is 100% renewable, their gas is carbon
offset and if you use a referral code you can get £50 of your first bill. As a
church we would like to encourage all our members to swap to a genuinely green
energy supplier. There’s more about this in the most recent NEWT and on April
18th we’ll be holding a Fair Energy Switch Event after the service if you’re
interested but would like someone to help you work through the process with you.
Switching your energy supplier is the single biggest thing you can do to cut
your carbon footprint, and it may very well save you quite a lot of money.
Food takes a bit more thought. A quarter of global
greenhouse gas emissions come from food – about half of that is from animal
products and about half of those are beef and lamb. But how food is produced
makes a huge difference – typically European beef is responsible for only one
third of the emissions of South American beef. Dark chocolate is much
better than milk chocolate and either way Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade
marks will ensure forests aren’t being cut down to produce the chocolate. When
it comes to the packaging of food, If you haven’t noticed yet – the RISC
World Shop on London Street has opened a zero waste section to their shop–
they’re open every day except Mondays. It’s easy to forget that what you do to
the food at home is sometimes responsible for more emissions than production. If you fail to put a lid on a saucepan, 20% of the energy used in cooking
is simply wasted. If the gas flames lick up the sides you can waste another
20%. But if you stack veg up in the steamer, or put different types in
together, you cut energy use. If the oven’s on anyway, what else can you
cook inside? Sometimes life just feels way too busy to stop and think about all
the tiny ways that everyday we’re taking resources from the planet that we
really don’t need. But the fairtade foundation launched a report last
year which says that by 2050 they expect
89.5% of the land currently used for cocoa production in Ghana and Cote
d’Ivoire to have become too hot to keep growing, half of the world’s chocolate
supply come from there – that’s just one example of the world we’re heading
Suggesting to our friends that there are easy ways that they could cut their carbon footprint might feel rude, inappropriate, insensitive when life is tough and busy, but the case is so urgent, please think about encouraging others to act too, perhaps think of it as turning tables over.
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