Sunday, September 11, 2016

Creation Stories in Godly Play

It's the second week of Creation Tide, beautifully reflected in the little bit of the main service I was present for. In Godly Play today we covered Genesis 1 and 2 - the first Creation Story is a standard Godly Play story that I've told often before (Creation presented as a great gift with seven images placed along a cloth) but this time there was more in the box: the second Creation Story. (Like the Abraham stories I used 3D figures for this - rather than the 2D for non-historical stories - but it helped make a contrast that at least one of the children was enthusiastic about). I asked them to wonder why we have two stories and what we gain from each. It was also a great excuse to use up some more of the rather large amount of clay we had left over from last week - their models included a veloceraptor with its nest and a couple of pokemon.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Season of Creation 2016

Today, on the first Sunday of Creation tide, we were invited to remember God creating us out of clay, with our Old Testament reading from Jeremiah. When the meditation instructed us to break apart the pots we had made it felt a bit of a shock, but these were the eventual creations.

Over coffee afterwards many of us signed Traidcraft's Justice Matters petition. If you missed that, you can sign up online.